
The Latest Transformational Book From Best-Selling Author Daphne Michaels

The Gifted: Free Your Inner Gifts For A Brand-New Life

Discover the nine powerful gifts within you that have the power to transform your life, and catapult you into the person you were always meant to be.

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“If you’ve ever wondered how to get past your self-imposed limits, read The Gifted without delay! Daphne Michaels’ brilliant guidance is eloquent, timely and very powerful.”

- Jack Canfield, Coauthor of the #1 New York Times Bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul series and The Success Principles

Featured Title at the New York International Book Expo




Are You Craving A Life Filled With Harmony, Ease And Powerful Connections?

It’s time to stop waiting, hoping and wishing that your life would change, and take control of your destiny. Right now, you possess nine powerful gifts that can help you live the life you were meant to live, if you know how to identify and harness them today.

Inside this inspirational, groundbreaking book, you’ll learn how to use your gifts and transform your life in a lasting way. Written by Daphne Michaels, a powerful voice of higher consciousness for today’s world, this book will awaken you to powerful insights and a more simplified model for personal evolution than has ever existed before.

Discover the nine gifts within you and how to use them skillfully on your own journey to become who you were meant to be.

“Five Stars — A Powerful Book For Personal Growth And Transformation.

Sometimes you need that pat on the back or that encouraging word that reminds you of your own value and worth. The Gifted by Daphne Michaels gives you that and so much more.”

Cyrus Webb, Conversations Live! and Conversations Book Club

Take A Closer Look At What You’ll Uncover Inside This Groundbreaking Book

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Perfect Personal & Professional Development for Your Organization’s Team

Looking for a way to inspire and ignite the passions of your team to drive greater productivity and results? With 100+ pages of practical, insightful teaching, ‘The Gifted’ is a fantastic resource to offer your employees.

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About The Author,

Daphne Michaels…

Daphne Michaels brings decades of experience in helping people reach elevated consciousness through human potential tools and practices.  She’s dedicated her life to understanding the heights and depths of the human psyche through study in behavioral science, integral psychology, and quantum mechanics.

Daphne’s long-term career has included rewarding work as a licensed psychotherapist, executive consultant and founder of Daphne Michaels International.

Her life’s mission is to empower elevated consciousness in others through executive leadership coaching, training and mentoring as well as human potential intensives. 

Just by opening to a random page and reading for a few minutes I can track the up-shift in my personal functioning. The book is filled with transformation-inducing ideas, expressed in a style of writing that fluidly guides my awareness to the next higher level.”

Anonymous, USA​

Daphne Michaels is so gifted! We, the consumer, are so fortunate to have a book of this caliber to help guide us in this crazy and chaos filled world…Because of Daphne Michaels my life is more balanced, alive, and blessed.”

Natalie Mayer, USA​

Michaels writes with purpose and clarity. Each chapter is short and the book can be completed in a sitting, however, the explanation of each gift warrants a second reading. The Gifted, first in a book series, is a powerful tool that can transform your life.”

Tooncesmom, USA​

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